Report on the Belgium Plone Meeting

So yesterday I have been at the belgium Plone Meeting in Brussels. It took place in the university ULB and was actually quite nice.

It also turned out to be bigger than expected because there have ben around 40 people instead of the expected 30. Talks have been given by David Convent on DIYPloneStyle (a generator for a skeleton Products), Francesco Ciriaci of REFLAB about CMFEditions (a content versioning solution for the CMF), Kit Blake about Tramline (basically a lightweight version of Railroad just doing the up- and download work), Jean-François Roche about PloneMultimedia and especially about ATPhoto (quite a lot of cool features like Flickr im- and export) and by Paul Everitt and Xavier Heymans about the Zope Europe Association and the Goldegg project. These talks have been 15 minutes each which left much room for discussion afterwards which of course took place. The moderator was Godefroid Chapelle.

I was also doing video and some interviews and will try to put something together soon. Paul also had the idea of doing Goldegg2 as sending me with the camera to all those events ;-)

So all in all I met a lot of very nice people there and it was a very nice event. And not even that far away from where I live. I would like to say thank you to Jean-François Roche for organizing it and to all the visitors for joining!

UPDATE some photos are available now on flickr (if you add your own, tag them with plonebemeeting2005)

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