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Web Monday Aachen/Euregio today!

The second Web Monday is today! If you are somewhere in the Aachen area, please come (and eventually do a 10 minute talk about your project/startup/new technology/whatever).

We also have talks already:

  • Till Achinger will talk about his startup (which according to him will be renamed but that’s not 100% through, maybe we will get to know more today) and he also wanted to do some live coffee demo.
  • Andreas Gerads will talk about his project everything a StartUp needs ( and Johan Rhodin will talk about Interesting Internet trends, applications and services from Sweden (and maybe Finland).
  • From what I heard Christian Leffin and Andreas Meyer also wanted to talk about their projects, like Second Analytics, a tool for measuring Second Life traffic.
  • Eventually I will also give a talk again, this time about Google’s OpenSocial.

When and where?

The web monday will start today at 7 pm german time and talks will begin at 8 pm. It will take place at the human|machine office at Heinrichsallee 41. The office is located in the backyard so enter it and look for the office at the back right of it.

All information can be found on the Web Monday wiki page. If you come, please add your name there!

Hope to see many of you tonight!

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