Koalition beschliesst heimliche Online-Durchsuchung
German’s finally agreed on a new law which allows secret online searchings of people’s computers by our police. It needs a judge to allow it
German’s finally agreed on a new law which allows secret online searchings of people’s computers by our police. It needs a judge to allow it
Wie ich ja gestern nacht schon schrieb, gefiel mir „Die Nacht im Netz“ im ZDF zur Wahl ja relativ gut. Und im Prinzip ist dies
This post is about a very lofi TV production of german public TV sender ZDF which is called „The night on the internet“ reporting live
In the second epside of our german podcast about the open web we concentrate on OpenID and try to explain our listeners why it’s good
As John McCrea writes on his blog, shortly after Microsoft becoming an OpenID provider, Google now does so as well! This is really great news
at least in the non-PHP category of the 2008 Open Source CMS Award of Packt Publishing. Thanks to everybody who voted for Plone! Check out their
Good news everybody: Microsoft’s Windows Live ID is now officially embracing OpenID by becoming an OpenID provider. This means that you can login to any
The Podcast Download as MP3 (17 MB, 18:00) [audio:http://podcasts.plonetv.de/english/topfcast_en_07.mp3] So after a long time which made me forget whether how my german and english podcasts
As we all know, blogs are a great tool for a brand to communicate with their customers and community. And as we bloggers all know
In order to spread the idea of open standards on the internet a bit further in Germany, Sebastian Küpers, Matthias Pfefferle and me have started