APML V1.0 (initial draft) now available
The APML workgroup did it: The initial draft of APML v1.0 is now ready for public review. The workgroup is dedicated to quickly ratify this
The APML workgroup did it: The initial draft of APML v1.0 is now ready for public review. The workgroup is dedicated to quickly ratify this
Monday evening my interview about DataPortability in the german radio program Deutschlandfunk was finally aired. If you understand german feel free to listen to it.
This episode is of course about the launch yesterday: syntronik.de (Link zum Video) Shownotes syntronik.de COM.lounge Plone pyogp Technorati-Tags: topftäglich, snytronik.de, metaverse, virtualworlds, secondlife
One idea which is bouncing around among people interested in data portability is to only have one user account and freely go from service to
In this monday episode I talk about german blog ranking servive blogoscoop and how a world would look like in a society where everybody is
This episode is mainly about the sad situation at the Caucasus . (link zum Video) Shownotes Viel Lesenswertes über die Situation bei spiegelfechter.com Heute gab
In this episode I tell people that I dig DropBox and want to have a closer look at Chandler. (Link zum Video) Shownotes DropBox Chandler
In this episode I talk about what I have written about OAuth today and elaborate on that as well as explain what it is. Murks
As I just read on ReadWriteWeb, OAuth is gaining ground, which is a very very good thing! As you can read there both Twitter and
It was about 1 year ago, during the Second Life hype, when a new virtual world named StageSpace entered the scene. It was intended to