EuroPython 2008 happening July 7-12 in Vilnius, Lithuania

The dates and location are fixed now and the EuroPython 2008 will happen once again in the Reval Hotel Lietuva in Vilnius as last year.

The dates are:

  • July 7-9 : The actual conference
  • July 10-12: after-conference sprints

The dates for talk and paper submissions, start of registration etc. are not yet fixed but should be shortly.

You can find all information on the EuroPython homepage at

After last years complains about not having enough volunteers there is also an extra section on the new designed homepage (now using the MoinMoin wiki software) about how to get involved. It gives a list of possible (mostly small) jobs you can sign up to. So please check this list and think what you can do to help make the conference a success! It can also be small things like handling signs, coordinating food, handling the registration desk and so on.

I am looking forward to July as EuroPython always has been a great conference and of course it’s also sort of a family meeting.

Hope to see you there!

(I will keep you posted when registration starts)

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