Get your blogs up!

This is just a gentle reminder that you might want to blog about the conference! Just look here:

These are all the posts technorati knows about from the Plone Conference.

15 is not really our goal, is it?

So get blogging!

You don’t have a blog?
To solve that go to and sign up there. It’s a 5 minute process to get your own blog. Remove the dummy post, fill in a description and also claim your blog at (signup, edit your profile and add your blog there, it’s easy and gives you more publicity).

You don’t know what to blog about?
Just write about the talks you were attending, talk about the cool things you learned. Talk about the cool people you met. Talk about cool projects you learned about. Talk about how the great future of Plone.

You think you are only writing for yourself?
Change it! Get on the Plone planet to reach the Plone community. Comment on other peoples blog to reach those people (but not in a spammy way e.g. by just saying „plone is great“ on every Joomla blog ;-) Engage in a conversation as you would do in Real Life). Add your blog address to your email signature, add it to all the social networks you might be part of (e.g. add it as another job of yours on Linked In or XING). Or simply put it on your business card (this maybe is not directly doable).

Engage in conversations!
To do that make it easy for people to leave comments. Start with disabling moderation, enable comments at all if you haven’t! That way you can get in touch with people quite easily. This is also true for company blogs. Comments drive traffic, links and in the end Google Juice! They also create a more personal connection to you which is important for people to come back.

Tag your posts
If you use WordPress it’s easy to do this with most of the external blogging editor. I love to use Flock (, a browser based on Firefox with a built-in Blog Editor. If you want to tag it manually just use something like

<a href=„“ rel=“tag“>ploneconf2007</a>

Try something new!
Why not trying to do a little podcast or videoblog? Simply take your digital photocamera which maybe has some video function and create a little interview, ask people what they liked most about the conference, which talks they attended and so on. Post it to YouTube and tag it again with ploneconf2007.

So help to make Plone more known by simply talking about it! And make that 15 into something far bigger!

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