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Hans Rosling will be speaking at EuroPython 2008

Here is something I am really looking forward to:

Hans Rosling, professor of International Health at Karolinska Institutet and co-founder of Gapminder Foundation, will be holding one of the two keynotes at the annual EuroPython conference this year!

If you don’t know Hans Rosling, I would advise you to watch the two talks he gave at the TED conference or simply coming to this years EuroPython which will happen from July 7-12 (conference is going to be from monday to wednesday, followed by sprints). Hans Rosling will be speaking on Tuesday evening before the Conference Dinner.

What I like about him is his great presentation style from what many people could IMHO learn a lot (although it probably also does not fit everybody). But it’s not only that but it’s also the topics he talks about, like economic, social and environmental issues of Africa, what he was talking about at TED. So for these two things I am very much looking forward to this keynote.

And if you are still unsure whether to come or not: As compared to TED you don’t need a special invitation and you don’t need to pay US$6000,- but only EUR 160,- (Early Bird is over unfortunately). So isn’t this one more reason to come? :-)

(and thanks to Lennart Regebro for initiating this!)

Here is the second TED talk:

(link to the video)

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