Next stops: MetaMeets, SIGINT, BIZZin3D

It’s time again for some travelling, starting today. So here are my next stops:

MetaMeets in Amsterdam

This virtual worlds conference takes place from May 22nd to May 24th in Amsterdam. I will be there until Saturday noon as I then will drive over to SIGINT. This should be a great opportunity to meet lots of Second Life friends face to face and hopefully also learn about other worlds. More information at There should still be tickets left so if you are interested and close to Amsterdam you might consider coming.

SIGINT in Cologne

As both MetaMeets and SIGINT take place at the same time I am splitting these 3 days and will attend the second part of SIGINT, which is a german conference about internet, security and internet politics (as you might know we have a very heated debated about internet filtering/censorship in Germany and this might be a good place for activists to meet and network).  Moreover this saturday our constitution will be 60 years old and this is reason enough to inform people about it’s contents (e.g. freedom of information). Topics of the program include Control and Surveillance, Bugs, Pranks, and Insecurities  and The Future of EverythingThe event is organized by the Chaos Computer Club and should be a great conference  with english and german talks. More information here

BIZZin3D in Berlin

This is a week later on May 31st and again a virtual worlds related conference. It’s english speaking and one day and I am on a panel about virtual worlds interoperability. As the name implies though it’s more about business opportunities than technology. It should be a great event especially because it’s not too Second Life focused but there will be participants from other virtual worlds, too, like Twinity, Bailamo, Forterra and others. More information here


If you are at one of these events and want to meet simply drop me an email.

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