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Plone Conference Live Stream in Flash

The Plone Conference 2008 is happening right now and I am very sad that I wasn’t able to go.

But there is a video stream (even without me being there, yay! :-) ) which you can find here.

If you have problems to get it to run, I am also restreaming it in Flash:

Free Webcam Chat at Ustream

(Link to stream)

Moreover here is the recorded keynote of Alexander Limi and Alan Runyan (start is a bit choppy):Video chat rooms at Ustream

This is not the official and high quality recording, this will come later from the organizers! I will keep you posted.

You can find the schedule of the conference here, the stream is from the Atrium Hall.

I also hope that somebody is live blogging from the conference, especially from the rooms we cannot see from the outside! Please tag your posts and photos with „ploneconference2008“!

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