The DataPortability Project: Six Months Strong

The DataPortability Project is 6 months old now and going strong. Here are the key announcements for today (also note the new logo):

  • clearly established 2008 as the year of „Data Portability“
    • Stoking interest in open standards across the business ecosystem, digital and mainstream
    • Inviting a broad new set of participants to the conversation
    • Creating formal networks and informal outreach, such as the DataPortability Video Project and the DataPortability InMotion Podcast Series, which invited people to describe what data portability means to them
  • Launched a new „participant democracy“ via a democratic, open and radically transparent governance experiment using rough consensus and distributed leadership
    • Established a unique project-based, democratic workflow
    • Began completing tasks using self-formed teams
    • Enjoys a participant base that works virtually together every day across multiple continents, cities and time zones
    • To read more and/or participate
  • Cataloging „Month-by-Month“ Data Portability initiatives
    • Creation of the DIY (Do It Yourself Data Portability) Club
    • Teams identify a project task of the month
    • Engineers form focused, small projects that yield immediate benefit and build cumulative value towards openness
    • The first project: ‚Rel=me‘ month
    • To partcipate
  • Identifying „Best Technical Practices“ in data portability
    • Published stubs for the first batch of documents
    • Based on discussion in the Technical Action Group Skype Chat, Google Group and Meetups
    • A first step towards moving to our ‚Design‘ phase (as per the DataPortability Project Roadmap)
    • Open to all in the community — invited to now join the process of padding out and completing these documents over the coming months
    • To read more and/or participate:
  • Announcing the all-new „DataPortability Trustmark“
    • Selected from more than 400 logo submissions reviewed by a panel of judges and voted by 4,562 people
    • Delivered to the values and processes of openness and participation
    • The new trustmark as included in this press release header is representative of the project’s vision: Making personal data accessible and inter-operable across trusted applications and vendors
    • 4000 Stickers available at the Web 2.0 Expo
  • Announcing the all-new DataPortability Homepage
    • Targeted audience landing pages
    • Cleaner, more consumer facing presentation with easier access to detailed documentation
    • Integration of new logo
    • Targeted landing pages built on wiki technology to allow the community to evolve our site
    • Visit:
  • Seen the implementation of many open technologies by small and large vendors in the name of ‚Data Portability‘ including:
    • Google Contacts API
    • Microsoft Contacts API
    • Digg supporting APML, XFN, hCard and RDFa
    • LinkedIn activity stream RSS
    • And many more…

This is copied verbatim from here but why rewrite everything if it’s already there :-)

Thanks to everybody for making this happen. Data Portability is going strong in a lot of areas so let’s hope we succeed!

(and if you should be at the Web2.0 Expo look out for Chris Saad and talk to him. There might also be unconference like meetups around this topic happening).

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