XMAS OpenID News

Here is a special XMAS present for you: More OpenID! :-)

DailyMotion implements an OpenID login

As you can see in the screenshot below you now have quite some options to login to dailymotion.com, including OpenID. They also explain what it is, which is very very good!

dailymotion openid login screenshot

OpenID coming to virtual worlds

As Justin reports on his blog, OpenSim, the open source implementation of a Second Life server, now also supports OpenID. For now it’s just an OpenID provider but I hope client code will also be added soon!

Other news

OpenID foundation members can now vote to approve the PAPE specification. Right now it’s in draft state and the 60 day review period is over so it can be made official. Voting is open between December 22th and 29th.

Also don’t forget to vote for the election of the OpenID foundation board, open until tomorrow!

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