The Voodoo Interview (Video)

I am on the way back from the Snow Sprint with Martijn Faassen, inventor of Grok and many other things (btw, the new Grok Website based on Plone 3 is online now!) and once again it was a great experience. I also managed to code somehting and do videos and interviews.

One of these videos is now available here and it features Malthe Borch and Christof Hämmerle who worked on a project called „Voodoo“ (or maybe it’s now spelled „Vudo“) which aims to be a new kind of Content Management System (based on the above mentioned Grok framework).

So let’s here them explain what Voodoo wants to be.

[Download Quicktime version]

Unfortunately the mentioned blogging application was not finished but I am curious nevertheless how this project will go on after the sprint.

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