All the Plone Strategic Planning Updates in one place

If you want to stay up to date with at least the tickets changes of the Plone Strategic Planning Summit then it’s right now a little bit hard as the report only shows the tickets with the keyword set but not the updates on the tickets.

To get a better overview about the PSPS activity I created a Yahoo Pipe to mix all this together, threw in a bit of Feedburner to republish it and published it. You can subscribe to that mixed feed with one of these links/buttons:

Subscribe in a reader

Add to Google Reader or Homepage

I’ve also created a page displaying the most recent 15 items. You can also add this HTML output to your own page by using this snippet:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

You can find the page with the updates here:

Additionally you can have a look at the pipe I created.

What is the Plone Strategic Planning Summit

In case you wonder what I am talking about, the Plone Strategic Planning Summit (PSPS) was a meetup of 50 community members to discuss the future of Plone. The outcome has been a bunch of action items listed in the above mentioned report. Each of these items has a champion who’s task it is to find people to get this done and keep communication going. Updates on these issues are meant to go into the Plone bugtracker to the ticket assigned to this action item.

The most recent items

Below is the output of the feed in HTML format (not visible on the planet, check the original blog post for the output):

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