DZUG-Tagung #4: Russ Ferriday – professional processes for managing of multilingual content in Plone

First Russ gives a little demonstration of LinguaPlone by

  • defining the neutral language as being german (this is the language which will be shown in the two-pane view)
  • adds a translation for english
  • translates the content and saves it
  • also translates it to Whelsh

Then he talks about LinguaPlone in relation to big companies and which requirements those have and are not (yet) met by LinguaPlone.

requirements for big origanisations

  • you need auditing and reporting
  • you need internal and external translators or agency
  • the integration of internal and externel „Translation Memory“ solutions
    • each translated sentence will get stored in a database
    • when this sentence is used again then it will get fetched and reused from the database
    • gives 40%-50% savings for big organisations
    • there are different levels of a translation memory like a project related one, a global one and a personal one with different write permissions (Translation Memory*3)

You have requirements enforced by law like

  • multilangual parity (as in switzerland, parts of belgium, wales etc.)
  • accessibility
  • „…provide rich interconnectivity between … language versions“ — Cunliffe
  • Typical suggestions:
    • different URLs should be available in each language
    • the language of the URL should be the same as the destination page

Quality requirements

  • it should be user friendly
  • fast to learn
  • tracking (translation date, translator)
  • workflow and messages (get messages when some translation changes etc.)
  • management views (e.g. „how many are still to translate“, „how many have changed“ …)

Auditing, Reporting

  • department controlles cost control. You might need number of words, how many time has spent on translation etc.
  • translation budget (restrictions and how flexible is it handled)
  • project tracking

in the translation department

  • you need different priority classes.
  • you might need virtual departments (if you need to do the translations by external translators and internal ones you need to be flexible in organizing these people into „virtual“ departments with tracking etc.)
  • multiple content categories (e.g. internal sections, correspondence, public pages). This is related to priority classes.

Which new features are needed?

  • Phase A: Shared Translation Memory, TM with Role based read/write privilege, TM*3 – Shared, Project, Personal Memories
  • Phase 2: Coist tracking per department, translation budgets, etc.

For medium and big sized companies you can use XLIFFMarschall, thanks to Sasha Vincic of Lovely Systems, Sidnei da Silva,

Is used for managing about 24 languages on the ,“ecoagents website“


  • most requirements for small organizations are solves by LinguaPlone
  • with certain extensions the requirements of big organizations can also be solved
  • it’s an ideal point in time to create a roadmap for that and plan on how to integrate it into further releases

He finally gives a little demonstration of

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