Plone Cathedral Sprint Report and interview

Plone Cathedral Sprint

On March 15-19 the Plone Cathedral Sprint happened at the GFU Cyrus AG in Cologne, Germany. Focus was on fixing outstanding bugs in Plone 4.0 (soon to be released) and to start work on Plone 4.1.

The Sprint Team

About 25 sprinters have been on site working on it for 5 days. I took the opportunity to talk to Eric Steele, the release manager of Plone 4.0 for COM.lounge TV:

(Download MP3)

Eric was also asking people to perform screencasts on what they have been working on and as videos show more than 1000 words, here are those demos:

ReferenceBrowserWidget Overlays by Tom Gross

(Link to video)

New Search Results by Denys Mishunov

(link to video)

A new UI for Collections by Geir Baekholt

(link to video)

A new discussion component by Timo Stollenwerk

(link to video)

Updates on Plone Events by Vincent Fretin

(link to video)

A Finder for Plone by Robert Niederreiter

(link to video)

There of course has been lots more going on such as:

  • German and dutch translations for Plone 4 (Martijn Schenk and Jan Ulrich Hasecke)
  • Performance Improvements including the storage and handling of image data (Andreas Zeidler and Simon Pamies)

Here are more photos from the sprint and the tour of the bewery by Armon Stross-Radschinski:

A big thanks to the organizers for doing a great job on organizing such a productive sprint!

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