Plone Update #1

I was thinking about maybe doing some roundup of activity around Plone here and then (I cannot promise to do it on a regular basis but maybe we can find a way it gets a community effort. More on this in another post).

Plone Strategic Planning Summit 2008

This was probably the biggest topic for the last 2 week (and still is). We

There actually is too much to list so I started to tag the things I could quickly find on with the tag „psps2008“. If you find something, if you blog about it etc. please tag this on with the tag „psps2008“. If it’s on a mailinglist use Nabble to get a link. Here is a formatted list in HTML with the last 10 items:

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The Plone Conference 2008 is looking for proposals
US$ 10,000 have been donated to get people to the Googleplex in Mountain View, CA
A community survey has been conducted.
The Plone Symposium East happens from March 12-13, with training from March 10-11 and sprints all over form March 8-16. The deadline for talk submissions is over unfortunately but you can still register. Location is The Nittany Lion Inn, State College, PA, USA
The Sorrento Sprint 2008 will take place from Mar 26-30 in Sorrento, Italy. You can get more information and register here. 29 people are on the list already, 50 is the limit, so hurry up!

New logo

We have a new logo! You can find it in many formats complete with explanations on the Logo page.

Plone Releases

Two releases are in the making:

Plone 3.0.6 will come out next monday, February 18th. It includes mostly bugfixes for OpenID support and PAS.

Plone 3.1 has a deadline for reviewing the code bundles today. As the timeline was modified I am not completely clear when 3.1 will officially be released but if I just move the original timeline it should be Mar 16th then. You can find a list of the PLIPs for 3.1 here.

Product Releases

  • Enfold Systems releases Enfold Desktop 4 free for all (and releases public beta). Enfold Desktop empowers Plone users with a familiar Windows desktop interface.
  • Tarek Ziade makes RelStorage to Plone developers available via buildout. With this you can store your ZODB in PostgreSQL or Oracle instead of the filesystem. According to Shane Hattaway it handles high concurrency better then the standard combination of ZEO and FileStorage.

For a full list of new product releases check out the Plone Products Feed.

New Marketing Roundup

  • The Plone Twitter account now has passed the 100 followers mark being at 101 right now.
  • The Facebook Plone Group has 228 members at the time of writing.
  • On Slideshare there are now 146 presentations tagged with „plone“ and 56 presentations/12 members in the Plone Group (plus I updated the logo of the Plone group).
  • A Plone Marketing Images group on flickr has been founded and has 2 members and 47 images in them (including the banners and wallpapers I created earlier).

This summary is of course not complete. If you have something to add please leave a comment with a link!

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