Podcasting Roundup

For the weekend or even xmas I am listing some podcasts I like listening to. Not a complete list and some are german but look for the „english podcasts“ headline for english ones.

Zum Wochenende oder auch zu Weihnachten hat man ja vielleicht Zeit, den ein oder anderen Podcast zu hören. Hier mal eine kleine Auswahl der Podcasts, die ich so höre, sortiert nach deutsch und englisch.

deutsche Podcasts

Werbeblogger PodcastGerade höre ich Roland Kühl-v.Puttkamer und J. Martin zu, die bei der Werbeblogger Kuschelkautsch gemütlich plauschen. Gefällt mir gut und mal es scheint das neue Format des Werbeblogger-Podcasts zu sein.

Dann hört man als Webentwickler natürlich auch gerne die Technikwürze, wo es um JavaScript, HTML CSS usw. geht. Also alles was man braucht, um eine Website zu bauen. Und da dieser Podcast auch gerade 3 Jahre alt geworden ist: Herzlichen Glückwunsch.

ChaosradioZur deutschen Podcast-Szene gehört natürlich auch Chaosradio, das gleich in zwei Versionen daherkommt: Chaosradio und Chaosradio-Express. Und wo „Express“ auf Kürze hindeuten könnte, ist dem nicht so, beide Podcasts sind so 2-3 Stunden lang. Zu finden auf der Chaosradio-Homepage.

Kanal 14Wer sich für Interviews rund um die deutsche Web2.0-Szene interessiert, dem sei Kanal14 empfohlen. In der letzten Folge gibt es z.B. ein Interview mit Marco Ripanti von Communipedia, für das ja auch mein Mitpodcaster Matthias Pfefferle arbeitet. Leider ist die Tonqualität nicht optimal aufgrund der Telekonferenz, so dass man manchmal auch nicht alles versteht, aber ich hoffe mal, dass man daran noch arbeitet.

Natürlich gibt es auch noch diverse gute Angebote z.B. vom Deutschlandradio, vom WDR und vielen anderen Radiosendern. Da lohnt es sich, mal in iTunes zu stöbern.

OpenWeb-PodcastUnd bei der deutschen Liste will ich dann auch nochmal Werbung für unseren OpenWeb-Podcast machen, wo wir gerade die Weihnachtsfolge veröffentlicht haben!

english podcasts

So here are a couple of english podcasts I listen to. Some are more technically, some are more marketing oriented.

Six Pixels of SeparationFirst there is Six Pixels of Separation, a marketing podcast by Mitch Joel which is quite unique in it’s interactivity with his audience. There really is a conversation going on which is IMHO something not too easy to achieve. So listen in for good marketing talk and his weekly six tips on the topic.

Managing the GrayAlso about marketing is CC. Chapmans Managing the Gray, which is not coming that often but nevertheless has great content. So listen in!

For Immediate ReleaseThen for those who want a new podcast twice a week, there is For Immediate Release which indeed is done twice a week (plus special episodes like interviews) and covers everything around communications. It’s done by Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz.

Marketing Over CoffeeFor people who like a cafe atmosphere there is the Marketing over Coffee podcast with John Wall and Christopher Penn (which reminds me that miss those Crayon meetings in Second Life where I tend to meet Christopher quite often). Now they also have a price and finalists! :-)

This Week in MediaAnd when we come from marketing/communications to media, then there is This week in Media, which I also like a lot. It’s produced by Pixelcorps TV which also have other great shows. One thing might be said about TWiM though which is that I also liked the early episodes more where it was more technical and not so much about US TV or internet shows.

TWiTNow up to those about Technology. A big source of great podcasts is of course the TWiT network of Leo Laporte. These days though I don’t really listen to them as podcasts anymore but watch the recording of these live at live.twit.tv. There is even more great stuff happening there than is released as podcasts. What I like most is probably Futures in Biotech (I don’t understand all of it but it’s great to listen to some people who seem to know what they are talking about), This week in Tech (not so sure if that’s still about tech though ;-) ), Macbreak Weekly and Security Now.

Stack Overflow PodcastMore technical is the stackoverflow podcast which is by and for programmers. I haven’t really listened to much of it yet as I just discovered it but so far it sounds quite interesting!

OpenWebPodcastThen there is the Open Web Podcast, the english one (we are doing a german one with a slightly different topic). This one if about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash and so on. So everything you need to know to build a website. It’s done by  Dion Almaer (co-founder of Ajaxian.com, check out also their podcast), John Resig (creator of jQuery), and Alex Russell (creator of the dojo JS toolkit). 

Data Without BordersThen there is of course also our own podcast, the Data Without Borders podcast where it’s all about the Open Web, DataPortability and Open Standards. Episode 3 is just out and features Chris Messina, Johannes Ernst and Mike Kirkwood, who are 3 of the 17 candidates running for the OpenID foundation board. Check it out to learn more about them and their ideas on the direction which OpenID and the foundation should go.

So this is not a complete list of what I listen to but those which directly came to mind.

What podcasts are you listening to?

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