It’s not your world anymore!

After the Trademark policy change, where Linden Lab made clear that it’s indeed not the world of their customers (once known as residents) but in fact their own one, somebody remarked that the slogan „Your world. Your Imagination“ was getting smaller and smaller with each iteration of the homepage. Unfortunately I forgot who said that but I with the discussion of the new homepage (in proper Linden Lab tradition announced in advance with a fixed date which now has passed without showing up the new page) I went looking for it on So here it is:

May 2004

SL homepage May 2004

January 2005

SL Homepage January 2005

SL Banner Today

SL Homepage today

So in fact it got smaller and smaller. But with the announced new homepage it now is totally gone!

So it’s of course not that customers are unimportant now, they do that in order to gain more of those. But they don’t have a say in things. Linden Lab seems happy to let them create that world but owning, thanks no! That’s sad.

Then again not too long ago there have been times where you saw this on the homepage:

Feb 2007

That was February 2007 which was when the world was still good and you owned what you created.

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