OpenSocial, the video (Barcamp Berlin session)
We also had a great discussion round last saturday at the Barcamp Berlin around OpenSocial. It was 1 day old back then and thus not
We also had a great discussion round last saturday at the Barcamp Berlin around OpenSocial. It was 1 day old back then and thus not
und zwar Daten. Ab 2008. Traurig. Heute wurde die Vorratsdatenspeicherung im Bundestag beschlossen, 366 dafür, 156 dagegen, 2 Enthaltungen und diverse Delegierte schon im Wochenende.
Now up on stage is Tristan Nitot, co-founder of the Mozilla Europe Foundation. Looking back to 1999-presence: Mozilla is doomed, even JWZ quit. He asked