TOPFtäglich #29, 24.7.2008: Ein Plone-Workshop auf der FrOSCon
COM.lounge is proud to sponsor a Plone Workshop at the FrOSCon conference near Bonn on 23./24.8.2008. It will be two days, held by Jean-Paul Ladage
COM.lounge is proud to sponsor a Plone Workshop at the FrOSCon conference near Bonn on 23./24.8.2008. It will be two days, held by Jean-Paul Ladage
News are thin these days.. so nothing really happens in this episode.. ;-) (Link zum Video) Tja, nix passiert.. nur der Spiegel regt auf und
In this episode: The DataPortability Project and the scene around it So, heute doch mal wirder etwas später, aber noch geschafft!!! :-) (Link zum Video)
In this episode: The Relay For Life in Second Life happened this weekend, Microsoft wants to add Windows Live ID to OpenSim, Linden Lab’s plans
Usually I am using buildout for doing all my Python development work which is great as it gives you a flexible sandbox for developing. One
In this episode: How I stopped watching the Tour de France (how silly will this tour get anyway) and how I am on the search
In this episode I list those features I really would like to have for a video editor, be it online or offline. I hope somebody
The bavarian institute for new media now wants to license live streaming sites which have the potential of reaching more than 500 users. Monthly fees
I was interviewed for the german radio program Deutschlandfunk and the interview is now online. They simply wanted to know if it’s still around and
Today I rant about all those machines which try to replace service in Germany, like those taking bottles, those taking money and so on. It