TopfShow #08: Normen und Rechte in virtuellen Welten (Metaverse08)
Episode #8 of my german podcast TopfShow is a recording from the Metaverse08 conference where I am on a panel talking with my other panelists
Episode #8 of my german podcast TopfShow is a recording from the Metaverse08 conference where I am on a panel talking with my other panelists
Back in the day the normal way to create stable hyperlinks in Plone (which do not break should you move the target page or rename
This is a video of the 4th Webmontag Aachen. human|machine demonstrate the Cinematrix technology, a collaboration tool for large audiences based on simple red/green light
Aachen, Germany is proud to present Web Monday #4 this evening at 7pm at the Klangbrücke. Feel free to come, entrance is free. Also feel
Jean Miller’s topic was businesses in virtual worlds and in particular the statistics, the hype cycle, how Linden Lab is taking a look at the
After showing a bad example of usability (Mac didn’t want to connect to beamer) and an introduction of the Otherland Group which Markus dived into
Nic started with some definitions: Registered accounts – awareness metric Unique accounts – ‚cleaner‘ awareness (individual accounts) Active accounts – engagement metric (everone who was
Fiona Gallagher started the Metaverse08 and was talking about Sun Microsystem’s experiences with Second Life. She started with saying that it’s not a cookie cutter
Today the Metaverse 08, the last german metaverse conference left. And I will be part of it even twice: on a panel today, tuesday 13:40
zumindest für mich ;-) Hier mal das Video zum Liedle: Für mich hat Frankreich das ganze ironisch genug genommen ohne dabei ins Lächerliche abzugleiten, die