Wer IKT sagt, hat schon verloren
Gestern hat in Stuttgart der 4. nationale IT-Gipfel stattgefunden (das spricht man Ihh-Tee-Gipfel aus) – eine Veranstaltung, wo sich die politische und wirtschaftliche Elite trifft.
Gestern hat in Stuttgart der 4. nationale IT-Gipfel stattgefunden (das spricht man Ihh-Tee-Gipfel aus) – eine Veranstaltung, wo sich die politische und wirtschaftliche Elite trifft.
Last week I reported about some delegates twittering the results of our federal president before the official results were presented. It raised many discussions about
Wie auch die Massenmedien inzwischen berichten, wird am Freitag, den 17. April 2009 beim Bundesfamilienministerium ein Vetrag zwischen diversen Internetprovidern Deutschlands und der Bundesfamilienministerin Ursula
So here are some photos and videos / hier ein paar Fotos und Videos: Technorati Tags: 25c3, ccc, demo, protest, überwachungsstaat, stasi2.0, surveillance, privacy
German’s finally agreed on a new law which allows secret online searchings of people’s computers by our police. It needs a judge to allow it
A research showed that less young people in Germany study now because of the fees recently introduced. Didn’t we who protested against them always knew
Not long ago (June/July) the EU discussed the so called Telecoms package which’s purpose it was to regulate the telecommunication market. The main goal was
The media industry is fighting a hopeless fight against illegal downloads. Tools of the trade are technical solutions like DRM or legal ones like trying
The media industry is fighting a hopeless fight. They are fighting against society. If the majority of people think that copying e.g. some DVD or
The bavarian institute for new media now wants to license live streaming sites which have the potential of reaching more than 500 users. Monthly fees