Kategorie: Personal

Typo3/Plone comparison

For those of you speaking german, the folloing link might be of interest. It’s a comparison of Plone and Typo3 by Gert Thiel, having used

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working on RSS

So because I wanted to get my blog online again with a Plone site I started working on some RSS stuff again. Basically what I

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plone.org upgrade

The plone.org-Administrators are doing a great job right now to migrate the plone.org Site to Plone2.1. It should be finished by tomorrow. So give them

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So an annoying thread was actually going on at the Zope mailing list about a trademark issue. You can read about it here All in

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SMP and Zope

So this is more just as reference to myself. batlogg was just giving me a helpful link on IRC regarding multiprocessor machines and Zope. So

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