Social Media for Corporations and how Cisco sees it
Yesterday I had the pleasure to interview Jeanette Gibson, Director of New Media Communications at Cisco about Social Media in general and Cisco’s activities and
Yesterday I had the pleasure to interview Jeanette Gibson, Director of New Media Communications at Cisco about Social Media in general and Cisco’s activities and
Topics of this episode: We are in the Euro 2008 finals! Yay! seesmic said they like my show and I reflect a little about how
In this episode of my german daily videopost I talk about yesterdays presentation, a Q&A with Cisco’s John Chambers in Second Life and about
Last weekend and yesterday I spent some time to refactor some code for the Python OGP library and tried to come up with a good
In this episode I talk about good seesmic customer service (as Marco Kaiser helped me to make the flash widget play), the sad 5th Second
Timing couldn’t be better. Today it’s Second Life’s 5th birthday and also it’s the first day when the grace period of trademark use has expired.
Just in case you are using Ruby for whatever purpose (esp. in web applications) you might want to be aware of the recently discovered security
The Pirate Bay answers swedish surveillance law with development of free or low cost cryptography tools, knows BoingBoing Wie hoffentlich jeder inzwischen mitbekommen hat, hat
In this episode I dig out a 20 year old computer magazine, talk about Matrix and „Welt am Draht“ by Fassbinder and I talk about
According to TechCrunch, Nokia has just acquired german geo locating startup Plazes. Es tut sich was bei deutschen Startups, denn anscheinend muss man sich nicht