TopfShow #7: Die Zukunft der Musikindustrie und 5 Wege, um an Musik für seinen Podcast zu kommen.
Episode #7 of my german podcast TopfShow is about the problems the music industry is having right now. Be assured that I will also blog
Episode #7 of my german podcast TopfShow is about the problems the music industry is having right now. Be assured that I will also blog
Thorsten Dirks, head of german mobile phone carrier E-Plus makes the bold (ha!) statement that in the future we won’t be using mobile networks for
Episode #6 of my german podcast TopfShow has another session recording from Barcamp Ruhr. We discussed what payment models might make sense for web2.0 apps
Episode #5 of my german podcast TopfShow is about Barcamp Ruhr (which was great) and a session about Nation Building in the internet. The question
It’s easter monday, not much to do, thus a good time for a game! Meet: Fracture! Nice, simply shooting game in Flash by Tom Moor.
In this german videoblog episode I reveal what was in that package that came by mail: Coffee.. Happy easter! Frohe Ostern schonmal und willkommen zu
There are two groups in which I am active these days: The DataPortability Project and the Second Life Grid Architecture Working Group (SLGAWG, we need
The Economist often has good articles about the web and internet scene and so it had in a previous issue about what’s supposed to be
In Germany over 500 computers have been stolen in the past 3 years from public institutions also including sensible data. Not a good thing for
Linden Lab released their capabilities server under an MIT license yesterday. It is written in Python and available as part of the mulib package (trac