Web Monday Aachen/Euregio today!
The second Web Monday is today! If you are somewhere in the Aachen area, please come (and eventually do a 10 minute talk about your
The second Web Monday is today! If you are somewhere in the Aachen area, please come (and eventually do a 10 minute talk about your
Our Interior Minister Wolgang Schäuble said recently: „Those who say, Guatanamo is not the right solution, should be ready to think about what a better
The next Barcamp in Germany will be held in Jena from Feb 8-10 and registration is now open at the Barcamp Wiki. This will be
In diesem Artikel denke ich ein bisschen über den Sinn und Unsinn von Pressekonferenzen nach, vor allem im Hinblick auf die heutigen Möglichkeiten, die Datenautobahnen
deutsche Version weiter unten As you might have noticed I am trying to concentrate my blogs based on thoughts expressed here. The main blog address
Perian – The swiss-army knife of QuickTime® components (plays Fraps videos on mac) (tags: quicktime fraps mac apple video osx software codec)
Einblick in zc.buildout für Zope/Plone Entwickler — acsr infopair Beim Treffen der DZUG Regionalgruppe Rheinlad (kurz RZUG) in Düsseldorf hab ich am 23. November 2007
Germany’s government decided on the data retention law to store all connection data at least 6 months and now it needs to pass the Federal
A Little Laptop With Big Ambitions – WSJ.com (tags: competition intel linux microsoft negroponte olpc windows wsj) Portable Social Networks: Take Your Friends with You
Wer ein Tool sucht, um E-Mails zu im- und exportieren, sollte einen Blick auf MboxImport werfen, welches eine Extension für Thunderbird ist und recht viele